Screen Reviews
Reviews of Movies, TV, Games, and all Video Genres
Our reviews are gathered from news outlets around the world and interspersed with original reviews from CATT. Links to the original publication are provided. If you'd like to write an original review for this page, please let us know in the chatbox or email For more of the collection, visit our Flipboard magazine or our Pinterest page.
Sept 21, 2021
Image credit: FX
One Good Thing: Reservation Dogs is groundbreaking. It’s also incredibly funny.
A great review that includes a clip from the new Hulu comedy, Reservation Dogs. Your next binge!
Sept 8, 2021

‘The Alpinist’ Is the Most Compelling Climbing Film Since ‘Free Solo’
by Matt Skenazy
A documentary about the daring life of the late free-soloist climer Marc-André Leclerc.
Sept 8, 2021

‘Django & Django’: Film Review | Venice 2021
by John Defore
Luca Rea's documentary about spaghetti-western director Sergio Corbucci is interesting but comes up a little short.
Sept 7, 2021

Ode to a Denny’s Hobbit Menu
Different than a traditional review, but if you are interested in a playful combination of your favorite stories with the culinary arts, this is a great read.
July 22, 2021
Blazing Minds

M. Night Shyamalan
'Old' finds director M. Night Shyamalan up to the same old tricks
by Brian Lowry
M. Night Shyamalan has a new movie, but the reviews are mixed.
Sept 8, 2021

Shin Min-a in a scene from romcom K-drama Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, photo courtesy of South China Morning Post
Netflix K-drama Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha: promising and peaceful romantic drama has perfect chemistry
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha is a new K-drama about a blooming romance between a city girl and a small town boy.
Sept 8, 2021

Photo: Vince Valitutti/Hulu
Nine Perfect Strangers goes right off the rails
by Gwen Ihnat
Nine Perfect Strangers takes a turn for the worse.